What is SSI and how does it work? The benefits of SSI for individuals and businesses.

¿What is Self Sovereign Identity? – Episode 1 | Podcast

Home Digital Identity ¿What is Self Sovereign Identity? – Episode 1 | Podcast

In this episode of our Twitter Space “Where we go we don’t need roads”, Pablo Mosquella from Extrimian, talks with our Identity Architect, Brian Desiderio, about what Self-Sovereign Identity is all about, and they answer questions such as: What makes up our identity? What problems do we have today with our identity?

We analyze what problems are caused by the fact that physical and digital identities are being mixed more and more. What is the proposed solution for SSI? What is the world doing about it? Why is blockchain being used for SSI?

What are Verifiable Credentials and how would a user without any knowledge use them? If you have any questions about this or other related topics, please contact us through our social networks (Twitter or LinkedIn: @Extrimian) or at info@extrimian.com.


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