Integration of the Physical and Digital Worlds through Web 3: The evolution of the Internet is leading to a merger of the digital and physical worlds. It highlights the importance of Web 3, focused on decentralization and the massive use of cryptography. In other words, it will facilitate authentication and verification of information, transforming experiences in identification, transactions and authentication of genuine information.
Extrimian as a Catalyst for Web 3: Extrimian collaborates in the mass adoption of Web 3, similar to what Netscape did for Web 1.0 and the iPhone for Web 2.0. Extrimian seeks to facilitate access to existing Web 3 infrastructure, driving mass adoption.
Differentiation and Critical Mass Creation: Extrimian differentiates itself by creating critical mass, integrating existing technologies with new experiences. The importance of public-private partnerships is mentioned, especially in Latin America, to encourage the massive adoption of new technologies.
Practical Benefits of Web 3.0: we explore the practical benefits of Web 3, using the example of an improved airport experience. It highlights how these improvements lead to reduced costs and increased security, benefiting users, businesses and governments alike.
Implementation and Education in the Adoption of Web 3: the importance of education and understanding in the implementation of Web 3 is addressed. Mention is made of the experience of working with governments and private companies, and the need to educate on the use and potential of these new technologies, highlighting the launch of the Extrimian Academy.
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