What are Verifiable Credentials (VCs)? Verifiable Credentials are digital records or assertions issued by an entity (issuer) about a subject (individual, organization or device) that can be cryptographically verified. They serve to digitally express various claims, such as educational qualifications or identity attributes, in a secure and privacy-enhancing manner.
What is the VC Data Model? The Verifiable Credentials Data Model defined by W3C establishes the structure and semantics of VCs. It includes essential components such as Credential, Issuer, Subject, Affirmation and Evidence, providing a standardized format for creating and using VCs.
How are VCs formatted? VCs are commonly expressed in JSON-LD (JSON for Linked Data), which provides a structured and interoperable way to represent credentials, allowing them to be easily shared, validated and linked to other data sources.
What is the typical structure of a Verifiable Credential? A typical VC consists of elements such as Context, Type, Sender, Subject, Assertion and Evidence. These elements define the terms used, the type of credential, details of the issuer and subject, the assertion made and the cryptographic tests for validation.
How is a Verifiable Credential created and verified? Creating a VC involves creating the issuer, assembling the credential, signature by the issuer and submission to a verifier. Verification includes checking the integrity and authenticity of the credential by verifying digital signatures or other evidence.
How is privacy preserved with VCs? VCs allow subjects to control what information they share, enabling selective disclosure of assertions. This minimizes the risk of identity breaches and enhances privacy.
What ensures trust and confidence in VCs? Cryptographic signatures and proofs associated with VCs ensure their reliability. Digital signatures of issuers confirm authenticity, while techniques such as Zero Knowledge Testing can validate claims without revealing underlying data.
Why is interoperability important in VCs? Interoperability in VCs enables seamless exchange across different systems and services, facilitating the verification of assertions in various domains and applications.
What is selective disclosure in verifiable credentials? Selective disclosure allows holders to share specific portions of a verifiable credential without exposing all the information. It is implemented through methods such as atomic credentials, selective disclosure signatures, and hashed values, ensuring that only relevant information is disclosed to the verifier.
How does Extrimian use Verifiable Credentials in its products? Extrimian incorporates VCs into its suite of products to provide secure and efficient digital credential management and sharing, leveraging VCs to validate the credibility and integrity of digital credentials.
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